The “Meeting of the Lord” : Presentation of Jesus at the Temple

1 Feb, 2014 | Uncategorized


The Presentation of Jesus at the Temple, which falls on 2 February, celebrates an early episode in the life of Jesus. In the Eastern Orthodox Church, it  is sometimes called Hypapante (Ὑπαπαντή, lit., ‘Meeting’ in Greek). Other traditional names include Candlemas, the Feast of the Purification of the Virgin, and the Meeting of the Lord.

Having their understanding based on God and keeping the Law of the Lord, on the fortieth day when the days of purification were complete, His parents took Jesus to Jerusalem so that they could present Him before the Lord and offer sacrifice for Him according to the decree in the Law of the Lord. But we sing out to thee, O Theotokos, thus:


Rejoice, for thou didst take the Creator of the universe to the Temple in

Jerusalem to fulfill the Law!

Rejoice, for thou didst there meet the Elder Simeon with joy!

Rejoice, thou only Pure and blessed one among women!

Rejoice, for with humility Thou didst carry thy cross adorned with sorrows!

Rejoice, for thou didst never disobey the will of God!

Rejoice, for thou didst reveal thyself as a model of patience and humility!